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St. Mary Magdalen students score

better than 85% 

of students on a national level.

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School students score better than 85% of students on a national level.


39 Neumann Scholars have accepted these prestigious awards since its inception in 1995. Two students in the Class of 2024 accepted Neumann Scholarships to an Archdiocesan High School of their choice.


Our Class of 2023 received over $600,000 in scholarships to archdiocesan and private high schools.


Every child in grades 4 through 8 is assigned a Chromebook®. Mobile technology cart access for grades K through 3. 


Honors Math begins in 5th grade. 8th grade Honors Math completes Algebra 1 course.


On-Site Support Teachers for ELA and Math.


Delaware County Intermediate Unit Services are available.


Instrumental Band, Strings, Guitar and Piano Lessons, and Choir.


Student clubs and activities include Enrichment Classes, Reading Olympics, Yearbook, CYO Sports, Student Council, Youth Ministry, Drama, Stewardship, and more.


We offer after-school Enrichment Classes for various grades in the spring and fall. In 2024, we added a new after school Drama Program that takes place for grades K through 8.

School Board
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"'Following in the footsteps of Jesus' is a phrase I have heard many times throughout my ten years at SMM. I can confidently say those words are much more complex than they sound. It does not just mean that you should always try to be like Jesus. You must also teach others how to be like Him, as well." 

—Lucy, Class of 2022

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Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School is an active ministry of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the Holy Catholic Church. We exist to impart and promote our Catholic faith to future generations. We provide a high-quality educational setting where our students and their families can integrate Gospel values into daily living.


2430 North Providence Road | Media, PA 19063

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© 2023 St. Mary Magdalen Parish & School—Website by KBDC

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