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Students at SMM School have a rich academic and spiritual life. SMM offers students clubs, activities, and programs throughout the school year, both during and after school. Below are resource links, contacts, and a bit of information about the various programs and activities offered to our students. 

Music & Art Enrichment 


​Piano: Private lessons are offered to interested students after school.


Contact Piano Teacher: Mrs. Dorothy Brown

Children's Liturgical Choir: SMM School and PREP students in 2nd grade and up are encouraged to participate. Choristers sing during First Friday and Holy Day Masses and the 9:30 Mass on the first and third Sunday of each month during the school year.


Contact Director: Mrs. Meggie Gribbin


After-School Theater Program: A theatrical production brings the arts together and provides growth opportunities for all varieties of learners. Besides being incredibly fun, musical theater helps young people develop many skills necessary for success. This program runs after school for students in grades K through 8. To learn more, visit our Drama Program page under Student Life.


Contact Parent Coordinators: Email Us 



Spiritual, Leadership & Service 


Altar Servers: 5th to 8th-grade students learn and serve at Masses and services throughout the year.


To sign up, visit Altar Server Ministry or contact Deacon Joseph


Partners in Prayer: All students in school are paired to partner in prayer. 


Spiritual Life and Stewardship: Students in all grades offer their time and talents to help those in the community during the school year. Students partner with the broader community monthly on a stewardship goal or cause. Learn more by visiting our Spiritual Life page.

Student Council: Elected by their peers, the student council members meet throughout the school year to discuss the school's happenings and hold sponsored events like the annual Harvest Bash.


Contact Teacher Moderator: Mrs. Amalfitano



Development & Sports 

Yearbook: From November to April, 8th-grade students meet regularly during the year to create the school's annual yearbook filled with SMM memories. 


Reading Olympics: Students in grades 5 through 8 may join. During the annual Reading Olympics, students read various books and novels and compete in groups.


Contact Teacher & Moderator: Mrs. Sweeney


SMM CYO Sports
The CYO is a ministry for SMM School and PREP students. Visit the 
CYO Website for a complete list of sports and to sign up during the school year.


Enrichment Programs: SMM School offers enrichment programs several times throughout the school year. Teachers offer Chess, Watercoloring, Debate, Creative Writing, Movement, Coding, and more classes. Course sessions are usually ten classes held once a week after school. For more information, please get in touch with our Teacher and Coordinator: Mrs. Sweeney

For more information about our programs, please contact the moderator directly or email the School Office.

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Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School is an active ministry of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the Holy Catholic Church. We exist to impart and promote our Catholic faith to future generations. We provide a high-quality educational setting where our students and their families can integrate Gospel values into daily living.


2430 North Providence Road | Media, PA 19063

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© 2023 St. Mary Magdalen Parish & School—Website by KBDC

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