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We appreciate your interest in

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School


We are delighted you are interested in making our school family your partner on your child's educational and formational journey!


Our elementary and middle school classrooms have some openings for the upcoming year of 2024-2025. To inquire or apply, please click on our Inquiry Link to begin your child's application.


Our 2025-2026 Inquiry Form Link is OPEN (July 1, 2024, at 9 AM). Interested parents of new students to our school who wish to enroll must complete the Inquiry Form to be eligible for the next stage, which is by invitation only to our Application Enrollment Form.


New Student Acceptance Policy 


  • Siblings of currently enrolled students

  • Active parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen

  • Active parishioners from area parishes without schools

  • Non-Catholics


Note: An invitation to the application process is extended to interested families based on criteria in the Acceptance Policy, available classroom space, and date of submitted Inquiry Form.​ If extended, an Application Enrollment Form must be completed and submitted along with the application fee by the deadline to remain active. 


The link for 2025-2026 

enrollment inquiry is OPEN.

Contact our school office at 610.565.1822 for more information regarding openings for 2023-24 and current enrollment information.

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Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School is an active ministry of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the Holy Catholic Church. We exist to impart and promote our Catholic faith to future generations. We provide a high-quality educational setting where our students and their families can integrate Gospel values into daily living.


2430 North Providence Road | Media, PA 19063

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© 2023 St. Mary Magdalen Parish & School—Website by KBDC

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