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Integrated Technology

At St. Mary Magdalen, we understand that technology is a big part of our students' lives. Therefore, we partner with Microsoft and Apple to create an educational environment and programs that excite our students to learn. In addition to a computer lab, all classrooms are equipped with a Smartboard and can access Mobile iPad® Carts, Chromebooks, and Apple Connect. 



Our educators have an iPad and a computer for education collaboration and sharing. Unique apps allow teachers to manage student device usage while in class. Teachers participate in ongoing professional development internally. Additionally, teachers are equipped with online grades to connect, email, and teacher web pages for students and families.



Preschool through Grade 3 students have access to iPads® for use in the classroom for specific lesson plans, activities, or assignments. 


Grades 4-8 students will participate in a 1:1 Chromebook® Program where students will utilize Google Classroom® to integrate technology across the curriculum. 


Grades 6-8 use a Social Studies program with an eBook program from McGraw-Hill called ConnectED. An interactive web-based program enhances instruction and increases retention for students.


Our ELA program, 'Journeys' in Grades K-6, has online reading resources that supplement classroom instruction. These leveled readings will be accessible on their iPads or any computer with access to the internet.



Children in grades 1-8 utilize an online interactive math program called IXL. Its multi-dimensional approach keeps the students excited about math and, more importantly, ensures that they retain the skills they master throughout the year. It offers unlimited, unique questions to make practice engaging. IXL Math provides adaptable skill levels to support and encourage the students, fun awards keep them motivated, and includes detailed parent reports. 


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Students in grades 2 through 8 supplement the Language Arts Program with this individualized online program that aids and reinforces critical literacy skills. At the same time, the rich strategic curriculum builds and supports content-area knowledge and academic vocabulary with courses aligned to Pennsylvania's science and social studies standards.


Parents utilize Option C, which provides access to grades, assignments, and student progress. Option C is also used to communicate via email, mobile texts, and phone calls to alert parents of meaningful news or announcements.


Support Staff

Our technology is monitored and maintained by technical support as needed. iPads® are wirelessly managed with device management solutions that allow us to quickly respond to requests, push content, lock devices, and turn off apps or functions as needed. Plus, our technology is updated annually.

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Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School is an active ministry of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the Holy Catholic Church. We exist to impart and promote our Catholic faith to future generations. We provide a high-quality educational setting where our students and their families can integrate Gospel values into daily living.


2430 North Providence Road | Media, PA 19063

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